

It wasn't about the Bentley

From left to right: Christian Stanley, Dylan Menges, Mike Jones.

Captured by Jeremy, this photo is my favorite Creative South moment. We were drawing on a tricked-out Bentley, live for a crowd. A truly unique opportunity. But in that moment, it was the words Mike Jones said that mattered most:

We get to create, every day.

I've dug ditches. Split and carried more logs than I can count. Waited tables, wiped toilets. Bailed hay in the Midwest sun. Served four years in the Marine Corps. I know what it means to labor with my hands. 

But these days, my hands create.

Mike's words reminded me how blessed I am to be a designer. Even better, to create alongside folks I deeply respect. The Bentley was the crazy canvas, but it wasn't about the car. It was about people coming together, showing that collaboration is more than a long buzz word. Showing that creative fun can crush fear.  

Gigantic thanks to Mike and Creative South for making this happen. More photos, by Jeremy: